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There are only a limited number of these pendants available. Once they are sold out, they're gone! Audra was inspired by them and her and James got together and wrote a very special spell that is custom to these amazing pendants. James is a Bokor and Audra works with black magick, so there are spirits and blood magick involved in this spell, but that is why it is incredibly powerful. It is safe for you so please do not be worried about the energy you will feel once you receive your pendant. It definitely has a kick to it!


They wrote the spell to be customized to your situation which James and Audra will perform together. It has three parts to it which is cast over three days. We wanted to work with the power of three, but at the same time, we also recognized love situations are not usually a straight line from point A to B because of all the emotions and the aspects that are unique to your situation.


Part One:


When you fill out the questionnaire you let us know if you have a specific target in mind (and your story with them) or you let us know if you want to leave it up to the universe to bring your soulmate to you. We will use these answers to customize our spell to help “wake up” your target or soulmate and get them to connect with you body, soul, and mind. That connection might be apparent to you, but we want to make sure they start feeling the same way you do. We will make sure their heart is open and that they are ready for that connection with you. We will clear any blocks they might have towards you (and/or love in general.)


Part Two:


We magnetize your connection so they start feeling a pull to you. They will be able to start coming to the conclusion that you belong to them (and vice versa) and will start to embrace feelings they either never let themselves feel about you before, or if they have, no longer feel scared or questioning those feelings. They will accept and embrace this conclusion. Since everyone recognizes signs and feelings differently... we will also make sure we send your target our soulmate the signs they uniquely need to confirm you are who they belong with.


Part Three:


We will also light a fire under them to make them move. Knowing you are their soulmate isn't just enough, we need them to act on those feelings. Many times people will feel the same way you do, but talk themselves out of acting for many various reasons. So we need to identify those reasons and get them to come your way.


Once we are done with our cast, we will send you your pendant along with a chant that is unique to this spell which you will recite each night with your pendant. You can wear your pendant, keep it in a little mesh bag in your pocket, or put it on your love alter, but you need to work with it daily and touch it daily in order to get the fastest and strongest manifestation.



Please send the filled out questionnaire to Audra at If you don't have a target in mind and want us to focus on your soulmate, whoever they may be, leave any questions about your target blank.




Q: Your full name?


Q: Birth date?


Q: Time of birth (if known)?


Q: Any personal experiences with magick and if so, what were they and with what type of magick (if known)? If so, were they positive experiences?


Q: Try to describe your personality. It might help if you are imagining you are someone who knows you and they are describing you.


Q: What is the name of the person whom you would like us to do this love spell on? Please list his or her full name if possible.


Q: What is his or her birth date if known?


Q: What is your relationship like with this person right now? Please also list any history, how you met, and anything else that might help us out.


Q: What are you hoping to achieve with this spell? What type of relationship are you looking for?

A: Q: Are you willing to be patient and positive so that this spell has time to become attached to your aura and to ultimately work?


Q:  I understand that spirits and blood magick will be used in this spell, and I also understand it is 100% safe for me?


Q: Would you consider this spell an emergency?


Q: Can you promise to do some chants daily till this manifests? It is required and I will send you the chant when we are done with your spell.


Q: Any other info you think we might need to know to help us with your spell? Anything that lets us get to know you better helps!



* Please provide pictures for our alter. All pictures and info is kept private.


We Belong Together Spell and Pendant

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