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Many people who come to me worry about blocks slowing down or halting their spell work completely. Especially if their manifestation is taking more than the typical 3 moon cycles.


This spell is designed to remove energy blocks from all areas for improved manifestation. This spell is designed to clear out any build ups of energy, negative intentions, and give us a fresh new canvas to work with.


This spell has been very helpful in clearing out old energy and giving new spells the ability to come around full circle. Most people can get away with just one casting of this, but difficult situations will need more than one casting to clear everything up. I would suggest for those people to get this cast each month till they start to feel better and start to see improvement.

    After placing your order, please read and reference the FAQ page to help you understand your part in your magick for best results.


    Please send the answers to these questions to if you don't answer them here along with any pictures after placing your order.


    Your questionnaire:


    1. Your full name?

    2. Birth date?

    3. Why did you feel you needed this spell?

    4. Please describe what you're looking to achieve with this spellwork?

    5. Are you willing to let the spellwork get attached to your aura and use the law of attraction to ensure best results?

    6. Any other info you think we might need to know to help us with your spell? Anything that lets us get to know you better helps!


    *Please note, nothing tangible comes in the mail with this spell. It is cast directly on you!*


    Remove Energy Blocks For Faster Manifestation

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