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Are you dating someone or have someone in mind who just wont take the next step and commit to you and your relationship? That is what this spell is designed to take care of for you. This spell is perfect for you if:


  • You know that you and your target belong together, but you need them to take a leap of faith and ask you out

  • You are currently with someone who has a wondering eye, and is always looking for someone else, so you need them to commit to you fully and stop looking

  • You want them to put a ring on it! You are looking for marriage!

  • You have a friend with benefits but want to take it a step further

  • You're dating your soulmate, you know it, they know it, but they just wont take the plunge

  • You want your target to give themselves fully to you

  • You want a declaration of love and commitment

  • You want your target to let other people know about your relationship

  • You want your target to protect your relationship from others that might want to influence you both


After placing your order,  please read and reference the FAQ page to help you understand your part in your magick for best results.


Please send the answers to these questions to if you don't answer them here along with any pictures after placing your order.


Your questionnaire:


1. Your full name?

2. Birth date?

3. What is the name of the person whom you would like us to do this love spell on? Please list their full name if possible.

4. What is their birth date if known?

5. What is your relationship like with this person right now? Please also list any history, how you met, and anything else that might help us out.

6. What are you hoping to achieve with this spell? What type of relationship are you looking for?

7. Are you willing to be patient and positive so that this spell has time to become attached to your aura and to ultimately work?

8. Any other info you think we might need to know to help us with your spell? Anything that lets us get to know you better helps!


*Please note, nothing tangible comes in the mail with this spell. It is cast directly on you and/or your target!*

Make Them Fully Commit to You Spell

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