On November 27 and 28, the sky will be illuminated by the Full Moon in the sign of Gemini. This occurs at the same time that the Sun will be galloping into centaur season as it occupies the sign of Sagittarius. These competing cosmic forces break open the mind's boundless horizons and reveal its endless potential. To ensure that this year ends on a positive note, this Moon is directing the cosmic choreography of brilliant ideas and moments of inspiration to achieve this target.
This is the last Full Moon before the Winter Solstice and the first Full Moon after Saturn turned direct on November 4th. On top of this, the 11/11 Portal is still technically open! This Full Moon will be station at the 5th degree which is the degree of transformation. This means you'll be able to manifest at a level of 20 times our normal manifestation rate! Get ready for some HUGE energy shifts, IF you decide to use this Full Moon to your ultimate benefit! Remember, you will manifest what you are focusing on! So make sure your focus right now is on everything you are grateful for and the blessings you want to attract your way.
This has been a significant year for making decisions, and the sign of Gemini dominates this area with its adaptability and spontaneity. As we sprint towards the last a phase, take a moment to pause and think about what it is that you want to carry with you into 2024.
Due to the placement of Mars, there is a very big chance there could be some misunderstandings and bickering (not shocking while we are all forced to be around family with opposing view points, eh?) As the weather keeps dropping into lower temperatures, our own tempers might end up rising. However, there are always two sides to a story, and dual thinking is ingrained in us. The transcendental confluence is where unity can be found. Hold out hope. Extend each other patience and understanding. What kind of kinetic wisdom is Luna's radiance going to uncover when she traces the symbol of The Lovers that Gemini has created? The lunation takes place opposite the Sun and Mars, both of which are having fun in wide Sagittarius, which conjures up images of the free-spirited individual, the perpetual wanderer, and the wise person. Wandering aimlessly through the woodlands of the globe in search of the illusive apple of truth. In the spaces between these legendary archetypes, we each find the narrative of our own soul.
Mercury, which is square Neptune in Pisces while it is retrograde, causes the planet to wobble on its axis, which constellates disordered thought and drowns out reasoning. Because we lack all of the relevant information, we risk falling back on ineffective strategies. You shouldn't give the hungry ghosts any food. Meditation, sound baths, and attaching soles to dirt are few examples of everyday activities that can help calm unruly thoughts and bring them back into the rooted body. Enjoy the newness of each moment as it comes. Mercury is altering the course of events. Maintain an open mind and be willing to learn new things. There will soon be no secrets hidden.
We discover that life is more pliable amid these energies when we maintain our center and remain grounded. Maintain a strong connection with your desired vibration to keep your inner magician well-tuned. Since there is a lot of moving air and fire around us, this is a good time to get out your spell books, recast the spells that need a little extra lift, and start new projects to manifest your wildest hopes and dreams in 2024.