55 Amazing Crystals & Their Magickal Correspondences
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55 Amazing Crystals & Their Magickal Correspondences

Writer's picture: Audra EnglishAudra English

Updated: Jul 2, 2023

Please visit and bookmark my Etsy shop RubywitchDesigns. You'll discover a plethora of amazing crystals (some with spells attached), crystal jewelry, potions, mojo bags, intention sprays, spell soap, and all things witchy, so please save me for later.

Light & Love,



Agate is associated with:

~Provides Stability ~Grounding ~Allows Forgiveness ~Alleviates Bitterness

~Improves Concentration and Focus ~Gives Self Confidence ~Improves Relationships

~Protective ~Brings Peace & Calming Energy ~Re-balances the Body & Mind

~ Creates a Sense of Security ~Known as a Power Stone ~Perfect for Meditation

~Relieves Anxiety & Stress


Amazonite is associated with:

~Opens The Heart Chakra ~Heals Emotional Trauma ~Alleviates Anxiety

~Stone of Harmony ~Boosts Communication ~Allows You to Speak Your Truth

~Supports Your Destiny ~Brings About Luck ~Connected to Abundance and Prosperity

~Gives You Hope ~Soothes Away Depression ~Incredibly Balancing ~Offers Protection

~Reconnects You to Your True Self ~Tempers Aggression and Anger

~Helps Establish Healthy Relationships ~Enhances Self Discipline ~Awakens Compassion

~Brings You Grace ~A Stone of Success and Manifestation

~Helps You Overcome Negative Obsessions


Amethyst is associated with:

~Provides Mental Clarity ~Protects Against Addictions ~Encourages Positivity

~Perfect For Meditation ~Master Healing Stone ~Provides Peace

~Encourages Love ~Instills Courage ~Combats Insomnia

~Purifies The Body, Mind, and Environment ~Use For Prophetic Dreams ~Purifies The Aura ~Amplifies Business Success ~Increases Intelligence ~Prevents Nightmares

~Expands Your Mind ~Encourages Faithfulness and Fidelity ~Soothes Irritability and Anger

~Alleviates Sadness and Depression ~Cures Grief ~Inspires Hope Balances Mood-Swings

~Raises Your Vibration ~Removes Negative Energy


Angelite is associated with:

~Promotes Clear Communication ~Encourages Truth ~Connects You To Your Angels

~Encourages Faith ~Provides Spiritual Protection ~Increase Inner Guidance

~Connects You To Your Spirit Animal ~Opens You To Divine Realms

~Provides Peaceful Serenity ~Calms Anxiety & Stress ~Perfect Stone For Meditation

~Balances & Stabilizes Emotions ~Gives You Hope ~Instills Courage

~Encourages Empathy And Compassion ~Clears Negative Energy

~Boosts Emotional Endurance

Black Kyanite:

Black Kyanite is associated with:

~Excellent For Meditation ~Removes Energy Blocks ~Stone Of Self Discovery

~Increases The Chances Of Manifestation ~Cleanses The Aura

~Provides Massive Amounts Of Energy ~Immensely Grounding

~Creates A Protective Shield ~Transmutes Negative Energy Into Positive Energy

~Facilitates Cord Cutting ~Increases Intuition ~A Stone For Empaths

~Great For Dream Work ~Aligns All Chakras ~Opens Up The Subconscious

~Shaman Stone ~Connects You To Your Spirit Guides ~Get Rid Of Conflict

Black Obsidian:

Black Obsidian is associated with:

~Psychic Protection ~Negative Energy Shield ~Removes and Absorbs Toxic Energy

~Protects From Abuse and Bullying ~Removes Toxic People ~Connected to the Root Chakra

~Incredibly Grounding ~Dispels Anxiety ~Relieves Tension ~Soul Healing

~Increases Your Personal Power ~Encourages Growth ~Purifying ~Manifestation Stone

~Brings Forth Transformation ~Cleanses the Aura ~Restores Stability

~Clears Confusion & Fogginess ~Protects Against Hostility ~Helps You Move Forward

~Absorbs Pain ~Lets the Truth Come Out ~Encourages Self Control ~Enhances Psychic Abilities ~Promotes Compassion & Empathy


Bloodstone is associated with:

~Attracting Luck & Good Fortune ~Increases Success ~Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance

~Encourages Strength ~Boosts Manifestation ~Deeply Grounding ~Provides Protection

~Helps With Alignment ~Encourages Organization ~Heightened Intuition

~Reduces Anger and Aggression ~Helps Balance Our Energy ~Connects You to Your Ancestors

~Increases Resilience ~Helps With Anxiety

Blue Apatite:

Blue Apatite is associated with:

~Increases Changes Of Manifestation ~Expands Intellect ~Increases Psychic Gifts

~Helps One Achieve Healthy Body Weight ~Balances Thyroid ~Increases Motivation

~Grants One The Ability To Better Achieve Their Goals ~Apatite Suppressant

~Boosts Creativity ~Clears Confusion ~Enhances Communication

~Rids Negative Emotions ~Balances Hormones ~Helps Heal Past Life Issues

~Allows For Channeling & Increased Mental Telepathy ~Inspires Ambition

~Increases Wisdom ~Cleanses Aura ~Brings Inspiration

Blue Aventurine:

Blue Aventurine is associated with:

~Increases Prosperity ~Stress Relief ~Assists in Sobriety ~Good Decision Making

~Encourages Compassion ~Provides Patience ~Encourages Perseverance

~Enhances Communication ~Connection to Your Spirit Guides ~Clears Old Energy & Habits ~Increases Self Discipline ~Inner Strength ~Enhances Intuition ~Encourages Self Growth ~Promotes Maturity ~Fighting Addictions

~Helps You Take Responsibility For Actions Encourages Psychic Abilities

~Rids You of Bad Habits ~Healers Stone ~Enhances Logic and Rational Thinking

~Encourages Leadership ~Helps You Focus

Blue Kyanite:

Blue Kyanite is associated with:

~Incredible Stress Reliever ~Clears And Balances All Chakras ~Stimulates Intuition

~Promotes Justice ~Alleviates Anger And Rage ~Provides Vivid Dreams

~Inspires Loyalty ~Boosts Communication ~Encourages Truth ~Linked To Spiritual Expansion

~Helps One Strengthen Your Psychic Gifts

~One Of The Few Crystals That Doesn't Need Cleansed

~Doesn't Hold Any Negative Energy ~Opens Communication Between Other Realms

~Provides Serenity & Harmonious Energy ~Gets Rid Of Energy Blocks ~Increases Manifestation

Blue Lace Agate:

Blue Lace Agate is associated with:

~Increases Communication ~Incredibly Calming ~Perfect For Meditation

~Provides Peace & Harmony ~Soothes Anxiety ~Increases Positive Energy

~Encourages Confidence ~Opens And Expands The Consciousness ~Increases Wisdom

~Attracts Business Partners ~Helps One Communicate With Spirit Guides

~Stimulates Intuition ~Inspires Unity ~Encourages Self-Expression

~Provides Emotional Support ~Increases Patience ~Improves Public Speaking

~Calms Tempers ~Enhances Critical Thinking

Blue Goldstone:

Blue Goldstone is associated with:

~Stone of Ambition ~Enhances Communication ~Encourages Confidence ~Facilitates Success

~Stimulates Motivation ~Increases Vitality ~Incredibly Uplifting ~Promotes Positive Energy

~Personal Growth & Transformation ~Gives Courage ~Increases Abundance

~Enhances Wisdom ~Connects You With The Divine

~Encourages and Facilitates Learning Great For Empaths

~New Beginnings ~Increased Manifestation ~Provides Balance ~Increases Peace and Serenity

~Encourages Business Success

Bumblebee Jasper:

Bumblebee Jasper is associated with:

~Provides Self Confidence ~Increases Happiness, Joy, & Optimism ~Inspires Creativity

~Increases Motivation ~Allows You To Focus On Your Goals ~Encourages Sunny Attitude

~Helps You Maintain Momentum ~Increases Chances For Manifestation

~Keeps You Energized ~Wakes You Up ~Increases Ambitions ~Opens Doors

~Allows You To Follow And Trust Your Instincts ~Attracts New Opportunities

~Increases Endurance ~Helps Aid In Concentration ~Helps One Persevere


Carnelian is associated with:

~Increased Energy ~Brings Vitality ~Provides Confidence ~Balances The Libido

~Enhances Sexuality ~Increases Creativity ~Provides Motivation ~Eliminates Procrastination ~Increases Self-Esteem ~Very Stabilizing and Grounding ~Improves Concentration

~Helps You Overcome Abuse ~Protects Against Anger & Rage ~Provides Motivation

~Increases Manifestation ~Increases The Metabolism ~Brings Joy & Happiness

~Boosts Fertility ~Encourages Empowerment


Chariot is associated with:

~Helps You Overcome Fear ~Stimulates Psychic Visions ~Beneficial To Healers

~Stone Of Transformation ~Provides Serenity ~Light Workers & Empaths Need This Stone

~Connects You To Higher Spirits & Realms ~Grants Access To The Akashic Records

~Allows You To Put Things Into Perspective ~Increases Insight

~Connects You To Your Spiritual Intelligence ~Increases Inner Strength

~Helps You Persevere ~Instills Optimism ~Provides Positive Energy ~Protective

Cherry Blossom Agate:

Cherry Blossom Agate is associated with:

~Known As The Crystal of Dreamers ~Encourages Goal-Setting and Goal Completion

~Increases Motivation ~Encourages You to “Reach For The Stars” ~Great For Entrepreneurs

~Nurtures Dreams ~Fires Up Passions ~Instills Maternal Feminine Energy

~Brings Balance & Serenity ~Is Comforting ~Increases Drive & Determination

~Brings Forward Growth ~Protects Against Self-Doubt ~Helps You Achieve Your Full Potential

Cherry Quartz:

Cherry Quartz is associated with:

~Enhances Peace and Serenity ~Encourages Hope ~Promotes Healing ~Provides Stress Relief

~Effective Anti-depressant ~Heals Emotional Wounds ~Brings About Optimism and Joy

~Positive Energy ~Helps With Concentration ~Increased Memory ~Attracts Love and Passion

~Provide Transformation Energy ~Encourages Good Decision Making ~Give an Energy Boost

~Helps With Grief ~Encourages Self Reflection


Chrysocolla is associated with:

~Inspires You To Tell Your Truth ~Encourages Self Awareness ~Soothes Grief

~Gets Rid Of Depression & Sadness ~Helps One Succeed In Negotiations

~Calms The Mind ~Can Offer Peace During Trauma ~Brings Luck

~Attracts Prosperity And Wealth ~Improves Communication ~Inspires Harmony

~Increases Intuition ~Attracts Love ~Inspires Hope ~Gives Peaceful Energy

~Relieves Feelings Of Guilt ~Helps One Move On After Loss


Chrysoprase is associated with:

~Provides Hope ~Inspires Love ~Encourages Compassion and Empathy

~Attracts Prosperity & Wealth ~Promotes Joy ~Inspires Divine Truth

~Helps With Fertility ~Heals Heartache ~Releases Grief ~Stimulates Creativity

~Chases Away Nightmares ~Balances Emotions ~Calms The Mind

~Facilitates Self Expression ~Strengthens Friendships ~Known As The Stone Of Courage

~Gets Rid Of Narcissism ~Dispels Irritability ~Gets Rid Of Negative Thoughts

~Inspires Positivity ~Allows For A Strong Flow Of Heart Healing Energy


Citrine is associated with:

~Increases Abundance & Prosperity ~Provides Strength ~Encourages Joy & Happiness

~Attracts Good Luck ~Boosts Self Esteem ~Increases Motivation ~Drives Personal Growth

~Encourages Creativity ~Increases Memory ~Ideal For Manifestation

~Called The Success Stone ~Helps Attract Customers & Increase Business

~Promotes Personal Power ~Removes Negative Energy ~Helps You Achieve Your Goals ~Strengthens Your Willpower

Clear Quartz:

Clear Quartz is associated with:

~Known As A Power Crystal ~Enhances Clarity ~Perfect Stone For Meditation

~Increases Energy ~Promotes Emotional Stability ~Brings Forth Manifestation

~Increased Self-Worth ~Draws In Love ~Encourages Psychic Abilities

~Helps Bring Positive Changes ~Instills Hope ~Encourages Better Communication

~Master Healer ~Heals all Chakras ~Assists In Dream Work ~Aura Cleanser

Dalmatian Jasper:

Dalmatian Jasper is associated with:

~Happiness & Joy ~Exhaustion Related to Trauma and High Stress Environments

~Breaks Down Barriers ~Relieves Depression ~Provides Psychic & Spiritual Protection

~Strong Grounding Energy ~Boosts Good Luck & Fortune ~Provides Strength

~Brings Harmony & Serenity ~Connects With and Protects Dogs ~Keeps us Playful

~Helps You Discover Your Purpose ~Gives Motivation ~Stabilizing ~Provides Positive Energy

~Known as the Stone of Playfulness ~Increases Loyalty in Relationships


Fluorite is associated with:

~Cleansing The Aura ~Stabilizing Your Energy Field ~Reducing Stress and Anxiety

~Heightened Psychic Awareness ~Promotes Quick Thinking

~Helps Us Tap Into Our Subconscious Mind ~Increasing Creativity

~Encourages Better Concentration ~Enhances Manifestation ~Increases Self-Assurance ~Clears Mind of Distractions ~Provides Protection ~Help Connect to The Spirit

~Is Incredibly Balancing ~Inspires Serenity & Peace ~Assists in Organization

~Absorbs Negative Energy ~Stone of Growth ~Harmonizes All Chakras

~Encourages Learning and Education ~Opens Roads & Removes Road-Blocks

~Encourages Independence ~Promotes Clarity


Garnet is associated with:

~Brings Forth Romantic Love ~Increases Passion ~Enhances Sex ~Inspires Self Confidence

~Increases Intimacy ~Inspires Positive Thinking ~Increases Success ~Promotes Devotion

~Provides Hope ~Balances Emotions ~A Stone Of Manifestation ~Cleanses Chakras

~Increases Success In Business ~Very Protective ~Discourages Nightmares ~Increases Vitality

~Guards Against Depression ~Attracts Wealth & Prosperity ~Said To Bring Good Luck

~Promotes Physical Beauty ~Alleviates Anxiety ~Revels And Attracts New Sources Of Income

Green Aventurine:

Green Aventurine is associated with:

~Stone of Opportunity ~Brings Forth Wealth, Abundance, and Prosperity

~Blesses With Luck and Good Fortune ~Attracts Abundance in All Areas

~Increases The Chance of Success ~Soothes Anxiety ~Provides Optimism

~Increases Confidence ~Promotes Growth ~Connected to the Heart Chakra

~Provides Healing Energy ~Brings Forth Vitality ~Encourages Confidence

~Increases Happiness and Joy ~Release Bad Habits ~Very Grounding

~Enhances Creativity ~Calms Anger ~Career Stone ~Brings Forth Balance

~Provides Motivation ~Incredibly Stabilizing ~Increases Manifestation ~Promotes Love

~Opens Doors

Green Calcite:

Green Calcite is associated with:

~Money, Wealth, Prosperity, & Abundance ~Good Luck & Fortune ~Restores Balance

~Regulates Emotions ~Stress Relief ~Mental Healer ~Success in All Areas

~Cleans Negativity From People, Places, and Things ~Raises Your Vibration

~Provides Motivation ~Clears Negative Emotions & Stagnation ~Stone of Protection

~Brings Love Into Your Life ~Promotes Forgiveness

~Enhances Empathy and Compassion ~Brings About Positive Transformation

~Connects You To Your Heart's Desire ~Brings in New Opportunities

Green Moss Agate:

Green Moss Agate is associated with:

~Is Abundant in Earth energy ~Incredibly Grounding ~Balancing to The Entire Energy System

~Provides Stability ~Increases Wealth and Abundance ~Inspires Luck and Good Fortune

~Increased Success ~Provides Peace ~Calms Mood Swings ~Promotes Forgiveness

~Brings Happiness ~Stone of New Beginnings ~Promotes Business Success

~Expands Consciousness ~Connects You to Nature

~Known as The Gardeners Atone (Add Green Moss Agate to Your Garden)

~Reduces Drama ~Attracts New Friends ~Attracts Love ~Taps Into Healing Energy

~Increases Self-Expression ~Provides Clarity


Hematite is associated with:

~Very Protective ~Incredibly Grounding ~Provides A Major Energy Shield

~Calms Negative Energy And Vibrations ~Enhances Courage ~Relieves Chronic Pain

~Encourages One To Be Bold & Ambitious ~Reduces Confusion ~Provides Mental Clarity

~Boosts Self-Esteem ~Balances Emotions ~Aligns All Chakras ~Enhances Will Power

~Detoxifying ~Rids One Of Insomnia ~Protects From Nightmares ~Encourages Perseverance

~Increases The Logical Mind ~Increases Vitality ~Brings You Back Down To Earth


Howlite is associated with:

~Encourages Communication ~Increases Awareness ~Enhances Creativity

~Calms Aggression & Rage ~Provides Restful Sleep ~Anti-Anxiety

~Releases Unhealthy Attachments And Habits ~Provides Peace

~Reduces Stress & Depression ~Increases Ambition ~Helps With Focus

~Decreases Insomnia ~Slows An Overactive Mind ~Increases Memory

~Teaches Patience ~Facilitates Self-Awareness ~Aids In Meditation

~Helps One Release Toxic Attachments ~Helps With Memory

~Helps One Access Past Lives ~Links You To Higher Realms


Jade is associated with:

~Attracts Wealth & Prosperity ~Brings An Abundance Of Blessings Your Way

~Incredibly Healing ~Harmonizes The Energy Of Everyone In The Room

~Very Lucky Stone ~Increases Well-being ~Connects You To Grounding Earth Energy

~Helps You Overcome Fears ~Strengthens Relationships ~Guards Against Misfortune

~Provides Protection ~Calms The Mind & Nervous System ~Helps With Goal Achievement

~Encourages A Positive Attitude ~Helps One Accept Oneself ~Helps With Dream Interpretation


Kunzite is associated with:

~Provides Excellent Emotional Healing ~Inspires Self Love ~Heals A Broken Heart

~Gets You Through Grief ~Allows You To Safety Process Trauma

~Inspires Unconditional Love ~Attracts Romance ~Heals Relationships

~Allows You To Open Up To Love Without Fear ~Incredibly Comforting

~Clears Away Depression & Sadness ~Encourages Loving Communication

~Inspires Romantic Feelings & Thoughts


Labradorite is associated with:

~Offers Protection ~Deflects Toxic Energies and People ~Reduces Anxiety, Fear, and Stress

~Increases Intuition and Psychic Awareness ~Provides Serenity and Calming Energy

~Enhances Imagination ~Encourages Creativity ~Expands Your Awareness

~Facilitates Lucid Dreaming ~Encourages Increased Spiritual Growth

~Gives Inspiration ~Shields Your Aura ~Helps You Discover Your Destiny

~Known As The Witches Stone ~Use in Divination ~Awakens Your Magickal Abilities

~Stimulates Synchronicity ~Helps You Develop Ideas ~Encourages Spirit Work

~Stone of Transformation ~Increases Manifestation


Lepidolite is associated with:

~Anti-Anxiety ~Stress Relief ~Heals the Heart ~Neutralizes Emotional Pain

~Stone of Acceptance ~Stone of Transformation

~Helps Change Negative Psychological Patterns ~Deep Emotional Healing

~Dissipates Negativity ~Brings Forth Healing ~Positive Energy

~Encourages Hope ~Contains Lithium (Perfect For Those With Mood Swings and/or Bi-Polar)

~Brings About Optimism ~Increases Balance ~Incredibly Calming ~Increases Self Love

~Inner Peace ~Clears Depression ~Brings Awareness ~Connects to Divine Beings

~Boosts Trust ~Provides Tranquility Activates & Balances ALL Chakras ~Better Sleep

~Brings About A Positive Attitude Change

Mahogany Obsidian:

Mahogany Obsidian is associated with:

~Provides Protection ~Instills Confidence ~Gets Rid Of Energy Blocks

~Stabilizes And Strengthens The Aura ~Incredibly Grounding

~Clears Away Negative Energy ~Calms And Balances Emotions

~Harmonizes Your Vibrations ~Protects From Psychic Vampires

~Connects To The Root Chakra ~Enhances Creativity

~Helps One To Recognize Opportunities To Bring Wealth & Abundance

~Encourages Transformation ~Connects You With Your Higher Self

~Encourages Growth ~Releases Self Imposed Limitations


Malachite is associated with:

~Helps One Grow Emotionally, Spiritually & Mentally ~Helps One Gain Strength After An Illness

~Gives Motherly Love ~Attracts Wealth And Prosperity ~Boosts Confidence

~Inspires Compassion And Empathy ~Promotes Kindness ~Increases Self Love

~Provides Protection From Negativity ~Increases Senses Alerting One Of Danger

~Opens The Heart To Unconditional Love ~Provides Emotional Balance

~Stone Of Transformation ~Encourages Safe Risk Taking ~Increases Determination & Motivation


Moldavite is associated with:

~Incredibly Powerful Vibration ~Can Shake Things Up To Benefit You In The Long Run

~Very Rare Cosmic Glass ~Forces You To Deal With Hidden Emotions & Trauma

~Connects You To Outside Realms ~Promotes Powerful Transformation

~Allows For Communication With Inter-dimensional Beings ~Highly Protective

~Encourages Personal, Spiritual, And Mental Growth ~Brings New Awareness To Oneself

~Incredibly Healing ~Accelerates Personal Evolution ~Helps You Fulfill Your Destiny


Mookaite is associated with:

~Very Grounding ~Provides Protection ~Connects To Earth Energy ~Increased Intuition

~Increases Feelings Of Stability ~Helps Release Bad Habits & Patterns

~Promotes Healing ~Facilitates Long Term Health ~Aids In Decision Making

~Helps Break Generational Curses ~Slows Down Aging ~Crystal For Youthful Beauty

~Encourages Healthy Baby During Pregnancy ~Encourages Open mindedness

~Helps You Choose The Right Path ~Increases Self Esteem ~Motivating


Moonstone is associated with:

~Enhances Patience ~Balances Reproductive System ~Balances Emotions

~Encourages New Beginnings ~Attracts Good Fortune ~Inspires Hope ~Increases Love

~Attracts Abundance ~Brings Forth Divine Inspiration ~Encourages Growth

~Increases Confidence ~Encourages You To See New Opportunities

~Stimulates Psychic Powers ~Increases Inspiration ~Sharpens Intuition

~Gets Rid Of Nightmares And Insomnia ~Clears Fog From The Mind

~Connects You To The Goddess


Opal is associated with:

~Said To Gift You With Prophetic Abilities ~Protects Against The Evil Eye & Jealousy

~Increases Love ~Attracts Romance ~Encourages Hope ~Draws In Abundance & Wealth

~Increases Self Confidence ~Clears And Balances All Chakras ~Enhances Creativity

~Connects You To The Energy Of The Cosmos ~Encourages Freedom And Independence

~Encourages Loyalty ~Strengthens Memory ~Releases Inhibitions ~Increases Gratitude

~Inspires Passion and Sensuality ~Encourages Fidelity ~Improves Communication

~Reduces Insomnia and encourages sleep ~Encourages Happiness and Optimism


Opalite is associated with:

~Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance ~Helps With Meditation ~Inspires Confidence

~Emotional Stability ~Business Success ~Increased Self-Worth ~Brings About Love

~Strengthens Psychic Abilities ~Inspires Positive Change ~Instills Hope

~Facilitates Better Communication ~Stone of Personal Power ~Helps With Dream Work

~Is an Aura Cleanser ~Encourages Courage

~Eases Transitions ~Provides Serenity and Peace ~Aids in Vision Work ~Manifestation


Pietersite is associated with:

~Strengthens Your Personal Power ~Increases Clairvoyance ~Increases Intuition

~Rare Stone Only Found In One Location ~Assists In Transformation

~Incredibly High Vibrations ~Helps With Past Life Healing ~Enhances Creativity

~Increases Victory ~Helps You Persevere ~Very Empowering ~Increases Manifestation

~Known As The Tempest Stone ~Purifies The Aura ~Enhances Motivation

~Helps One Reach Goals ~Helps You Achieve Your Destiny ~Very High Energy Stone

~Connects You To Divine Guides ~Opens You To Other Realms

~Brings Deep Spiritual Awareness


Prehnite is associated with:

~Stone of Prophecy ~Provides Inner Peace ~Encourages Lucid Dreaming

~Gets Rid Of Narcissism ~Provides Unconditional Love ~Inspires Wisdom ~Increases Energy ~Quite Protective ~Enhances Visualization & Psychic Gifts ~Induces Deep Meditation

~Provides Positive Confidence ~Calms The Mind And Anxiety ~Increases Spiritual Connections ~Simulates Prophetic Abilities ~Heals The Healer ~Helps Empaths Recharge

~Sharpens Instincts ~Raises Vibrations ~Increases Joy & Happiness

Red Jasper:

Red Jasper is associated with:

~Incredibly Grounding ~Provides Protection ~Helps You Feel Secure

~Brings Serenity and Balance ~Helps You Receive Justice ~Stabilizes Moods

~Encourages Confidence ~Increased Energy ~Encourages Goal Completion

~Provides an Emotional Release ~Encourages Quick Thinking

~Releases Shame Tied With Sex ~Stimulates The Imagination ~Stone of Endurance

~Balances The Libido ~Known as The Supreme Nurturer


Rhodonite is associated with:

~Encourages Self Love ~Promotes Romantic Love ~Confidence

~Controls Temper and Calms Anger ~Balances Emotions

~Encourages Forgiveness and Empathy ~Heals a Broken Heart

~Allows us to Approach the Situation With Compassion ~Clears Away Emotional Trauma

~Very Emotionally Grounding ~Encourages Healthy Attachments and Relationships

~Alleviates Confusion ~Assists in Discovering Your Purpose ~Brings Light & Joyful Energy

~Dissolves Resentment & Bitterness ~Takes Away Feelings of Isolation and Loneliness

~Promotes Friendship ~Clears Muddy Emotions ~Know as the Singer's Stone

~Relaxes a Panic Attack

Rose Quartz:

Rose Quartz is associated with:

~Brings an Abundance of Love ~Increases Compassion and Empathy ~Heals Heartbreak

~Instills Trust and Fidelity ~Encourages Friendship

~Dissolves Past Trauma (Especially Related to Love) ~Increases Self-Worth

~Brings About Forgiveness and Understanding ~Helps You Find Your True Love

~Encourages Self-Love ~Restores Harmony ~Helps Alleviate Depression and Anxiety

~Promotes Unconditional Love ~Facilitates Romance

~Releases Anger, Resentment, and Jealousy ~Enhances Inner Peace and Serenity

~Brings a Gentle Energy Into The Room ~Helps You Overcome Doubts

~Dissolves Isolation ~Prevents Nightmares ~Enhances Creativity ~Brings in Feminine Energy

~Increases Fertility


Sapphire is associated with:

~Increases Fidelity ~Encourages Leadership ~Connects One To Angels

~Incredibly Calming ~Increases Mental Clarity ~Provides Psychic Protection

~Brings Prosperity & Abundance ~Increases Intuition ~Provides Joy & Happiness

~Balances Emotions ~Increases Focus ~Supports Mental Acuity

~Stone Of Nobility ~Believed To Heal All Parts Of The Body

~Decreases Psychosis ~Allows One To Detach From Toxic People, Places, & Things

~Increases Good Judgment ~Enhances Concentration ~Helps One Find Love

~Enhances Creativity


Serpentine is associated with

~Encourages Forgiveness ~Provides Compassion & Empathy

~Supports Personal Transformation ~Kundalini Activation

~Increases Abundance In All Areas ~Incredible Stone Of Manifestation

~Increases Sexual Energy ~Balances Hormones ~Inspires Love

~Clears All Chakras ~Known To Bring Prosperity

~Is A Deep Emotional Healer ~Encourages Intimacy

~Calms Nerves~Increases Psychic Abilities

Smoky Quartz:

Smoky Quartz is associated with:

~Clears Negative Energy ~Incredibly Grounding ~Stone Of Transformation

~Increases Relaxation ~Reduces Stress And Anxiety ~Relieves Exhaustion

~Alleviates Fears And Worries ~Encourages Emotionally Healthy Behaviors

~Gets Rid Of Depression ~Shields Aura In Protective Energy ~Encourages Growth

~Provides Pain Relief ~Encourages A Kundalini Shift

~Use To Cleanse Energy In The Room Before Energy Or Spell Work


Sodalite is associated with:

~Connects You to Your Angels ~Influences Logic and Rational Thinking ~Provides Willpower

~Enhances Motivation ~Encourages You to be True to Yourself ~Increases Intuition

~Provides Calm During Times of Stress or Chaos ~Boosts Communication

~Alleviates Anxiety & Depression ~Encourages Trust ~Balances Out Energy

~Increases Metabolism ~Helps to Cure Insomnia ~Enhances Creativity

~Boosts Intelligence ~Releases Anger and Frustration ~Stone of Self Expression

Tigers Eye:

Tigers Eye is associated with:

~Stone of Luck & Good Fortune ~Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance ~Very Grounding

~Provides Excellent Protection Power ~Increases Strength

~Improves Your Ability to Assert Yourself ~Strengthens Willpower ~Provides Balance ~Encourages Confidence ~Known to Help With Self-Discipline ~Helps With Goal Achievement ~Provides Vitality ~Endurance ~Increases Focus ~Lifts Mood ~Brings Joy & Happiness

~Helps You See Things Clearly ~Releases Pent Up Tension ~Helps With Mental Clarity


Turquoise is associated with:

~Offers A Path To Enlightenment ~Encourages Self Acceptance ~Considered A Master Healer

~Known To Be The Bridge Between Heaven & Earth ~A Good Luck Charm

~Very Protective ~Blocks Against Negative Outside Influences ~Helps One Realize Their Destiny

~Encourages You To Follow Your Path ~Brings Empathy And Compassion ~Increases Sensitivity

~Enhances Communication ~Boosts Psychic Powers ~Balances Emotions

~Opens The Heart For Love ~Provides Mental Clarity ~Inspires Wisdom


Unakite is associated with:

~Useful For Scrying ~Incredibly Grounding ~Facilitates Rebirth

~Increases Fertility ~Provides Stress Relief ~Deepens Psychic Powers

~Discourages Negative Behaviors ~Releases Harmful Emotions

~Increases Mindfulness ~Provides Compassion & Empathy

~Encourages Healthy Habits ~Decreases Addictive Behaviors

~Increases Peaceful Sleep ~Encourages Perseverance

~For Love & Friendship ~Encourages Gratitude ~Increases Patience

~Removes Toxic Emotional Attachments

Yellow Calcite:

Yellow Calcite is associated with:

~Cannot Hold Negativity, Transmutes Only Positive Energy ~Happiness and Pure Joy

~Acts as a Guide ~Encourages Responsibility ~Grounding

~Inspires Motivation & Determination ~Releases Bad Habits

~Reduces Anxiety ~Reduces Depression ~Mental Clarity ~Eliminates Procrastination

~Brings an Abundance of Energy ~Facilitates Good Luck ~Inspires Confidence ~Brings Hope

~Connects You to Divine Realms ~Amplifying Stone ~Great Stone to Eliminate Anger and Rage

~Fosters Personal Growth

Yellow Jasper:

Yellow Jasper is associated with:

~Provides Protection ~Encourages Discernment ~Increases Motivation

~ Amplifies Self-Confidence ~Deflects Jealousy ~Builds Enthusiasm

~Increases Happiness ~Channels Positive Energy ~Increases Popularity

~Perfect To Use While Networking ~A Stone Of Intellect

~Encourages Higher Learning ~Enhances Self Discipline ~Boosts Energy

~Provides Emotional Support ~Anti-Anxiety~Encourages Perseverance

~A Great Stone To Use While Fasting ~Incredibly Grounding

~Provides Emotional Clarity ~Encourages Tenacity and Perseverance





By purchasing, you agree to our Terms of Service (see TOS) page and agree to follow the directions set forth in the FAQ page to ensure your success. We reserve the right to turn down anyone who we do not feel is right fit for us or vice versa. Do not buy from us if you are under 18 or if witchcraft is illegal in your country There is a risk of your spells not working, especially if you do not follow the instructions provided for you, so please be aware of this before purchasing.


Please note that the FDA has not evaluated the efficacy of these products. Our product is not intended to provide treatment, diagnosis, cure, or prevention for any diseases.

Legal Requirements and Product Usage

In accordance with the law, we want to clarify that we sell these products as Curios and solely for entertainment purposes. It is important to emphasize that these products should not be ingested internally. They are not a substitute for medical treatment or professional advice, nor are they meant to diagnose, treat, or prevent any diseases.

Protective Measures and Identity

For our protection, we, Robin, Audra, and/or James, may use pseudonyms (also known as witch names) and avatars as part of our tradition. This practice is rooted in past instances of persecution faced by witches throughout history. When you place a order, you are agreeing with our TOS and refund policy.

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