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Writer's pictureAudra English

55 Amazing Crystals & Their Magickal Correspondences

Updated: Jul 2, 2023

Please visit and bookmark my Etsy shop RubywitchDesigns. You'll discover a plethora of amazing crystals (some with spells attached), crystal jewelry, potions, mojo bags, intention sprays, spell soap, and all things witchy, so please save me for later.

Light & Love,



Agate is associated with:

~Provides Stability ~Grounding ~Allows Forgiveness ~Alleviates Bitterness

~Improves Concentration and Focus ~Gives Self Confidence ~Improves Relationships

~Protective ~Brings Peace & Calming Energy ~Re-balances the Body & Mind

~ Creates a Sense of Security ~Known as a Power Stone ~Perfect for Meditation

~Relieves Anxiety & Stress


Amazonite is associated with:

~Opens The Heart Chakra ~Heals Emotional Trauma ~Alleviates Anxiety

~Stone of Harmony ~Boosts Communication ~Allows You to Speak Your Truth

~Supports Your Destiny ~Brings About Luck ~Connected to Abundance and Prosperity

~Gives You Hope ~Soothes Away Depression ~Incredibly Balancing ~Offers Protection

~Reconnects You to Your True Self ~Tempers Aggression and Anger

~Helps Establish Healthy Relationships ~Enhances Self Discipline ~Awakens Compassion

~Brings You Grace ~A Stone of Success and Manifestation

~Helps You Overcome Negative Obsessions


Amethyst is associated with:

~Provides Mental Clarity ~Protects Against Addictions ~Encourages Positivity

~Perfect For Meditation ~Master Healing Stone ~Provides Peace

~Encourages Love ~Instills Courage ~Combats Insomnia

~Purifies The Body, Mind, and Environment ~Use For Prophetic Dreams ~Purifies The Aura ~Amplifies Business Success ~Increases Intelligence ~Prevents Nightmares

~Expands Your Mind ~Encourages Faithfulness and Fidelity ~Soothes Irritability and Anger

~Alleviates Sadness and Depression ~Cures Grief ~Inspires Hope Balances Mood-Swings

~Raises Your Vibration ~Removes Negative Energy


Angelite is associated with:

~Promotes Clear Communication ~Encourages Truth ~Connects You To Your Angels

~Encourages Faith ~Provides Spiritual Protection ~Increase Inner Guidance

~Connects You To Your Spirit Animal ~Opens You To Divine Realms

~Provides Peaceful Serenity ~Calms Anxiety & Stress ~Perfect Stone For Meditation

~Balances & Stabilizes Emotions ~Gives You Hope ~Instills Courage

~Encourages Empathy And Compassion ~Clears Negative Energy

~Boosts Emotional Endurance

Black Kyanite:

Black Kyanite is associated with:

~Excellent For Meditation ~Removes Energy Blocks ~Stone Of Self Discovery

~Increases The Chances Of Manifestation ~Cleanses The Aura

~Provides Massive Amounts Of Energy ~Immensely Grounding

~Creates A Protective Shield ~Transmutes Negative Energy Into Positive Energy

~Facilitates Cord Cutting ~Increases Intuition ~A Stone For Empaths

~Great For Dream Work ~Aligns All Chakras ~Opens Up The Subconscious

~Shaman Stone ~Connects You To Your Spirit Guides ~Get Rid Of Conflict

Black Obsidian:

Black Obsidian is associated with:

~Psychic Protection ~Negative Energy Shield ~Removes and Absorbs Toxic Energy

~Protects From Abuse and Bullying ~Removes Toxic People ~Connected to the Root Chakra

~Incredibly Grounding ~Dispels Anxiety ~Relieves Tension ~Soul Healing

~Increases Your Personal Power ~Encourages Growth ~Purifying ~Manifestation Stone

~Brings Forth Transformation ~Cleanses the Aura ~Restores Stability

~Clears Confusion & Fogginess ~Protects Against Hostility ~Helps You Move Forward

~Absorbs Pain ~Lets the Truth Come Out ~Encourages Self Control ~Enhances Psychic Abilities ~Promotes Compassion & Empathy


Bloodstone is associated with:

~Attracting Luck & Good Fortune ~Increases Success ~Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance

~Encourages Strength ~Boosts Manifestation ~Deeply Grounding ~Provides Protection

~Helps With Alignment ~Encourages Organization ~Heightened Intuition

~Reduces Anger and Aggression ~Helps Balance Our Energy ~Connects You to Your Ancestors

~Increases Resilience ~Helps With Anxiety

Blue Apatite:

Blue Apatite is associated with:

~Increases Changes Of Manifestation ~Expands Intellect ~Increases Psychic Gifts

~Helps One Achieve Healthy Body Weight ~Balances Thyroid ~Increases Motivation

~Grants One The Ability To Better Achieve Their Goals ~Apatite Suppressant

~Boosts Creativity ~Clears Confusion ~Enhances Communication

~Rids Negative Emotions ~Balances Hormones ~Helps Heal Past Life Issues

~Allows For Channeling & Increased Mental Telepathy ~Inspires Ambition

~Increases Wisdom ~Cleanses Aura ~Brings Inspiration

Blue Aventurine:

Blue Aventurine is associated with:

~Increases Prosperity ~Stress Relief ~Assists in Sobriety ~Good Decision Making

~Encourages Compassion ~Provides Patience ~Encourages Perseverance

~Enhances Communication ~Connection to Your Spirit Guides ~Clears Old Energy & Habits ~Increases Self Discipline ~Inner Strength ~Enhances Intuition ~Encourages Self Growth ~Promotes Maturity ~Fighting Addictions

~Helps You Take Responsibility For Actions Encourages Psychic Abilities

~Rids You of Bad Habits ~Healers Stone ~Enhances Logic and Rational Thinking

~Encourages Leadership ~Helps You Focus

Blue Kyanite:

Blue Kyanite is associated with:

~Incredible Stress Reliever ~Clears And Balances All Chakras ~Stimulates Intuition

~Promotes Justice ~Alleviates Anger And Rage ~Provides Vivid Dreams

~Inspires Loyalty ~Boosts Communication ~Encourages Truth ~Linked To Spiritual Expansion

~Helps One Strengthen Your Psychic Gifts

~One Of The Few Crystals That Doesn't Need Cleansed

~Doesn't Hold Any Negative Energy ~Opens Communication Between Other Realms

~Provides Serenity & Harmonious Energy ~Gets Rid Of Energy Blocks ~Increases Manifestation

Blue Lace Agate:

Blue Lace Agate is associated with:

~Increases Communication ~Incredibly Calming ~Perfect For Meditation

~Provides Peace & Harmony ~Soothes Anxiety ~Increases Positive Energy

~Encourages Confidence ~Opens And Expands The Consciousness ~Increases Wisdom

~Attracts Business Partners ~Helps One Communicate With Spirit Guides

~Stimulates Intuition ~Inspires Unity ~Encourages Self-Expression

~Provides Emotional Support ~Increases Patience ~Improves Public Speaking

~Calms Tempers ~Enhances Critical Thinking

Blue Goldstone:

Blue Goldstone is associated with:

~Stone of Ambition ~Enhances Communication ~Encourages Confidence ~Facilitates Success

~Stimulates Motivation ~Increases Vitality ~Incredibly Uplifting ~Promotes Positive Energy

~Personal Growth & Transformation ~Gives Courage ~Increases Abundance

~Enhances Wisdom ~Connects You With The Divine

~Encourages and Facilitates Learning Great For Empaths

~New Beginnings ~Increased Manifestation ~Provides Balance ~Increases Peace and Serenity

~Encourages Business Success

Bumblebee Jasper:

Bumblebee Jasper is associated with:

~Provides Self Confidence ~Increases Happiness, Joy, & Optimism ~Inspires Creativity

~Increases Motivation ~Allows You To Focus On Your Goals ~Encourages Sunny Attitude

~Helps You Maintain Momentum ~Increases Chances For Manifestation

~Keeps You Energized ~Wakes You Up ~Increases Ambitions ~Opens Doors

~Allows You To Follow And Trust Your Instincts ~Attracts New Opportunities

~Increases Endurance ~Helps Aid In Concentration ~Helps One Persevere


Carnelian is associated with:

~Increased Energy ~Brings Vitality ~Provides Confidence ~Balances The Libido

~Enhances Sexuality ~Increases Creativity ~Provides Motivation ~Eliminates Procrastination ~Increases Self-Esteem ~Very Stabilizing and Grounding ~Improves Concentration

~Helps You Overcome Abuse ~Protects Against Anger & Rage ~Provides Motivation

~Increases Manifestation ~Increases The Metabolism ~Brings Joy & Happiness

~Boosts Fertility ~Encourages Empowerment


Chariot is associated with:

~Helps You Overcome Fear ~Stimulates Psychic Visions ~Beneficial To Healers

~Stone Of Transformation ~Provides Serenity ~Light Workers & Empaths Need This Stone

~Connects You To Higher Spirits & Realms ~Grants Access To The Akashic Records

~Allows You To Put Things Into Perspective ~Increases Insight

~Connects You To Your Spiritual Intelligence ~Increases Inner Strength

~Helps You Persevere ~Instills Optimism ~Provides Positive Energy ~Protective

Cherry Blossom Agate:

Cherry Blossom Agate is associated with:

~Known As The Crystal of Dreamers ~Encourages Goal-Setting and Goal Completion

~Increases Motivation ~Encourages You to “Reach For The Stars” ~Great For Entrepreneurs

~Nurtures Dreams ~Fires Up Passions ~Instills Maternal Feminine Energy

~Brings Balance & Serenity ~Is Comforting ~Increases Drive & Determination

~Brings Forward Growth ~Protects Against Self-Doubt ~Helps You Achieve Your Full Potential

Cherry Quartz:

Cherry Quartz is associated with:

~Enhances Peace and Serenity ~Encourages Hope ~Promotes Healing ~Provides Stress Relief

~Effective Anti-depressant ~Heals Emotional Wounds ~Brings About Optimism and Joy

~Positive Energy ~Helps With Concentration ~Increased Memory ~Attracts Love and Passion

~Provide Transformation Energy ~Encourages Good Decision Making ~Give an Energy Boost

~Helps With Grief ~Encourages Self Reflection


Chrysocolla is associated with:

~Inspires You To Tell Your Truth ~Encourages Self Awareness ~Soothes Grief

~Gets Rid Of Depression & Sadness ~Helps One Succeed In Negotiations

~Calms The Mind ~Can Offer Peace During Trauma ~Brings Luck

~Attracts Prosperity And Wealth ~Improves Communication ~Inspires Harmony

~Increases Intuition ~Attracts Love ~Inspires Hope ~Gives Peaceful Energy

~Relieves Feelings Of Guilt ~Helps One Move On After Loss


Chrysoprase is associated with:

~Provides Hope ~Inspires Love ~Encourages Compassion and Empathy

~Attracts Prosperity & Wealth ~Promotes Joy ~Inspires Divine Truth

~Helps With Fertility ~Heals Heartache ~Releases Grief ~Stimulates Creativity

~Chases Away Nightmares ~Balances Emotions ~Calms The Mind

~Facilitates Self Expression ~Strengthens Friendships ~Known As The Stone Of Courage

~Gets Rid Of Narcissism ~Dispels Irritability ~Gets Rid Of Negative Thoughts

~Inspires Positivity ~Allows For A Strong Flow Of Heart Healing Energy


Citrine is associated with:

~Increases Abundance & Prosperity ~Provides Strength ~Encourages Joy & Happiness

~Attracts Good Luck ~Boosts Self Esteem ~Increases Motivation ~Drives Personal Growth

~Encourages Creativity ~Increases Memory ~Ideal For Manifestation

~Called The Success Stone ~Helps Attract Customers & Increase Business

~Promotes Personal Power ~Removes Negative Energy ~Helps You Achieve Your Goals ~Strengthens Your Willpower

Clear Quartz:

Clear Quartz is associated with:

~Known As A Power Crystal ~Enhances Clarity ~Perfect Stone For Meditation

~Increases Energy ~Promotes Emotional Stability ~Brings Forth Manifestation

~Increased Self-Worth ~Draws In Love ~Encourages Psychic Abilities

~Helps Bring Positive Changes ~Instills Hope ~Encourages Better Communication

~Master Healer ~Heals all Chakras ~Assists In Dream Work ~Aura Cleanser

Dalmatian Jasper:

Dalmatian Jasper is associated with:

~Happiness & Joy ~Exhaustion Related to Trauma and High Stress Environments

~Breaks Down Barriers ~Relieves Depression ~Provides Psychic & Spiritual Protection

~Strong Grounding Energy ~Boosts Good Luck & Fortune ~Provides Strength

~Brings Harmony & Serenity ~Connects With and Protects Dogs ~Keeps us Playful

~Helps You Discover Your Purpose ~Gives Motivation ~Stabilizing ~Provides Positive Energy

~Known as the Stone of Playfulness ~Increases Loyalty in Relationships


Fluorite is associated with:

~Cleansing The Aura ~Stabilizing Your Energy Field ~Reducing Stress and Anxiety

~Heightened Psychic Awareness ~Promotes Quick Thinking

~Helps Us Tap Into Our Subconscious Mind ~Increasing Creativity

~Encourages Better Concentration ~Enhances Manifestation ~Increases Self-Assurance ~Clears Mind of Distractions ~Provides Protection ~Help Connect to The Spirit

~Is Incredibly Balancing ~Inspires Serenity & Peace ~Assists in Organization

~Absorbs Negative Energy ~Stone of Growth ~Harmonizes All Chakras

~Encourages Learning and Education ~Opens Roads & Removes Road-Blocks

~Encourages Independence ~Promotes Clarity


Garnet is associated with:

~Brings Forth Romantic Love ~Increases Passion ~Enhances Sex ~Inspires Self Confidence

~Increases Intimacy ~Inspires Positive Thinking ~Increases Success ~Promotes Devotion

~Provides Hope ~Balances Emotions ~A Stone Of Manifestation ~Cleanses Chakras

~Increases Success In Business ~Very Protective ~Discourages Nightmares ~Increases Vitality

~Guards Against Depression ~Attracts Wealth & Prosperity ~Said To Bring Good Luck

~Promotes Physical Beauty ~Alleviates Anxiety ~Revels And Attracts New Sources Of Income

Green Aventurine:

Green Aventurine is associated with:

~Stone of Opportunity ~Brings Forth Wealth, Abundance, and Prosperity

~Blesses With Luck and Good Fortune ~Attracts Abundance in All Areas

~Increases The Chance of Success ~Soothes Anxiety ~Provides Optimism

~Increases Confidence ~Promotes Growth ~Connected to the Heart Chakra

~Provides Healing Energy ~Brings Forth Vitality ~Encourages Confidence

~Increases Happiness and Joy ~Release Bad Habits ~Very Grounding

~Enhances Creativity ~Calms Anger ~Career Stone ~Brings Forth Balance

~Provides Motivation ~Incredibly Stabilizing ~Increases Manifestation ~Promotes Love

~Opens Doors

Green Calcite:

Green Calcite is associated with:

~Money, Wealth, Prosperity, & Abundance ~Good Luck & Fortune ~Restores Balance

~Regulates Emotions ~Stress Relief ~Mental Healer ~Success in All Areas

~Cleans Negativity From People, Places, and Things ~Raises Your Vibration

~Provides Motivation ~Clears Negative Emotions & Stagnation ~Stone of Protection

~Brings Love Into Your Life ~Promotes Forgiveness

~Enhances Empathy and Compassion ~Brings About Positive Transformation

~Connects You To Your Heart's Desire ~Brings in New Opportunities

Green Moss Agate:

Green Moss Agate is associated with:

~Is Abundant in Earth energy ~Incredibly Grounding ~Balancing to The Entire Energy System

~Provides Stability ~Increases Wealth and Abundance ~Inspires Luck and Good Fortune

~Increased Success ~Provides Peace ~Calms Mood Swings ~Promotes Forgiveness

~Brings Happiness ~Stone of New Beginnings ~Promotes Business Success

~Expands Consciousness ~Connects You to Nature

~Known as The Gardeners Atone (Add Green Moss Agate to Your Garden)

~Reduces Drama ~Attracts New Friends ~Attracts Love ~Taps Into Healing Energy

~Increases Self-Expression ~Provides Clarity


Hematite is associated with:

~Very Protective ~Incredibly Grounding ~Provides A Major Energy Shield

~Calms Negative Energy And Vibrations ~Enhances Courage ~Relieves Chronic Pain

~Encourages One To Be Bold & Ambitious ~Reduces Confusion ~Provides Mental Clarity

~Boosts Self-Esteem ~Balances Emotions ~Aligns All Chakras ~Enhances Will Power

~Detoxifying ~Rids One Of Insomnia ~Protects From Nightmares ~Encourages Perseverance

~Increases The Logical Mind ~Increases Vitality ~Brings You Back Down To Earth


Howlite is associated with:

~Encourages Communication ~Increases Awareness ~Enhances Creativity

~Calms Aggression & Rage ~Provides Restful Sleep ~Anti-Anxiety

~Releases Unhealthy Attachments And Habits ~Provides Peace

~Reduces Stress & Depression ~Increases Ambition ~Helps With Focus

~Decreases Insomnia ~Slows An Overactive Mind ~Increases Memory

~Teaches Patience ~Facilitates Self-Awareness ~Aids In Meditation

~Helps One Release Toxic Attachments ~Helps With Memory

~Helps One Access Past Lives ~Links You To Higher Realms


Jade is associated with:

~Attracts Wealth & Prosperity ~Brings An Abundance Of Blessings Your Way

~Incredibly Healing ~Harmonizes The Energy Of Everyone In The Room

~Very Lucky Stone ~Increases Well-being ~Connects You To Grounding Earth Energy

~Helps You Overcome Fears ~Strengthens Relationships ~Guards Against Misfortune

~Provides Protection ~Calms The Mind & Nervous System ~Helps With Goal Achievement

~Encourages A Positive Attitude ~Helps One Accept Oneself ~Helps With Dream Interpretation


Kunzite is associated with:

~Provides Excellent Emotional Healing ~Inspires Self Love ~Heals A Broken Heart

~Gets You Through Grief ~Allows You To Safety Process Trauma

~Inspires Unconditional Love ~Attracts Romance ~Heals Relationships

~Allows You To Open Up To Love Without Fear ~Incredibly Comforting

~Clears Away Depression & Sadness ~Encourages Loving Communication

~Inspires Romantic Feelings & Thoughts


Labradorite is associated with:

~Offers Protection ~Deflects Toxic Energies and People ~Reduces Anxiety, Fear, and Stress

~Increases Intuition and Psychic Awareness ~Provides Serenity and Calming Energy

~Enhances Imagination ~Encourages Creativity ~Expands Your Awareness

~Facilitates Lucid Dreaming ~Encourages Increased Spiritual Growth

~Gives Inspiration ~Shields Your Aura ~Helps You Discover Your Destiny

~Known As The Witches Stone ~Use in Divination ~Awakens Your Magickal Abilities

~Stimulates Synchronicity ~Helps You Develop Ideas ~Encourages Spirit Work

~Stone of Transformation ~Increases Manifestation


Lepidolite is associated with:

~Anti-Anxiety ~Stress Relief ~Heals the Heart ~Neutralizes Emotional Pain

~Stone of Acceptance ~Stone of Transformation

~Helps Change Negative Psychological Patterns ~Deep Emotional Healing

~Dissipates Negativity ~Brings Forth Healing ~Positive Energy

~Encourages Hope ~Contains Lithium (Perfect For Those With Mood Swings and/or Bi-Polar)

~Brings About Optimism ~Increases Balance ~Incredibly Calming ~Increases Self Love

~Inner Peace ~Clears Depression ~Brings Awareness ~Connects to Divine Beings

~Boosts Trust ~Provides Tranquility Activates & Balances ALL Chakras ~Better Sleep

~Brings About A Positive Attitude Change

Mahogany Obsidian:

Mahogany Obsidian is associated with:

~Provides Protection ~Instills Confidence ~Gets Rid Of Energy Blocks

~Stabilizes And Strengthens The Aura ~Incredibly Grounding

~Clears Away Negative Energy ~Calms And Balances Emotions

~Harmonizes Your Vibrations ~Protects From Psychic Vampires

~Connects To The Root Chakra ~Enhances Creativity

~Helps One To Recognize Opportunities To Bring Wealth & Abundance

~Encourages Transformation ~Connects You With Your Higher Self

~Encourages Growth ~Releases Self Imposed Limitations


Malachite is associated with:

~Helps One Grow Emotionally, Spiritually & Mentally ~Helps One Gain Strength After An Illness

~Gives Motherly Love ~Attracts Wealth And Prosperity ~Boosts Confidence

~Inspires Compassion And Empathy ~Promotes Kindness ~Increases Self Love

~Provides Protection From Negativity ~Increases Senses Alerting One Of Danger

~Opens The Heart To Unconditional Love ~Provides Emotional Balance

~Stone Of Transformation ~Encourages Safe Risk Taking ~Increases Determination & Motivation


Moldavite is associated with:

~Incredibly Powerful Vibration ~Can Shake Things Up To Benefit You In The Long Run

~Very Rare Cosmic Glass ~Forces You To Deal With Hidden Emotions & Trauma

~Connects You To Outside Realms ~Promotes Powerful Transformation

~Allows For Communication With Inter-dimensional Beings ~Highly Protective

~Encourages Personal, Spiritual, And Mental Growth ~Brings New Awareness To Oneself

~Incredibly Healing ~Accelerates Personal Evolution ~Helps You Fulfill Your Destiny


Mookaite is associated with:

~Very Grounding ~Provides Protection ~Connects To Earth Energy ~Increased Intuition

~Increases Feelings Of Stability ~Helps Release Bad Habits & Patterns

~Promotes Healing ~Facilitates Long Term Health ~Aids In Decision Making

~Helps Break Generational Curses ~Slows Down Aging ~Crystal For Youthful Beauty

~Encourages Healthy Baby During Pregnancy ~Encourages Open mindedness

~Helps You Choose The Right Path ~Increases Self Esteem ~Motivating


Moonstone is associated with:

~Enhances Patience ~Balances Reproductive System ~Balances Emotions

~Encourages New Beginnings ~Attracts Good Fortune ~Inspires Hope ~Increases Love

~Attracts Abundance ~Brings Forth Divine Inspiration ~Encourages Growth

~Increases Confidence ~Encourages You To See New Opportunities

~Stimulates Psychic Powers ~Increases Inspiration ~Sharpens Intuition

~Gets Rid Of Nightmares And Insomnia ~Clears Fog From The Mind

~Connects You To The Goddess


Opal is associated with:

~Said To Gift You With Prophetic Abilities ~Protects Against The Evil Eye & Jealousy

~Increases Love ~Attracts Romance ~Encourages Hope ~Draws In Abundance & Wealth

~Increases Self Confidence ~Clears And Balances All Chakras ~Enhances Creativity

~Connects You To The Energy Of The Cosmos ~Encourages Freedom And Independence

~Encourages Loyalty ~Strengthens Memory ~Releases Inhibitions ~Increases Gratitude

~Inspires Passion and Sensuality ~Encourages Fidelity ~Improves Communication

~Reduces Insomnia and encourages sleep ~Encourages Happiness and Optimism


Opalite is associated with:

~Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance ~Helps With Meditation ~Inspires Confidence

~Emotional Stability ~Business Success ~Increased Self-Worth ~Brings About Love

~Strengthens Psychic Abilities ~Inspires Positive Change ~Instills Hope

~Facilitates Better Communication ~Stone of Personal Power ~Helps With Dream Work

~Is an Aura Cleanser ~Encourages Courage

~Eases Transitions ~Provides Serenity and Peace ~Aids in Vision Work ~Manifestation


Pietersite is associated with:

~Strengthens Your Personal Power ~Increases Clairvoyance ~Increases Intuition

~Rare Stone Only Found In One Location ~Assists In Transformation

~Incredibly High Vibrations ~Helps With Past Life Healing ~Enhances Creativity

~Increases Victory ~Helps You Persevere ~Very Empowering ~Increases Manifestation

~Known As The Tempest Stone ~Purifies The Aura ~Enhances Motivation

~Helps One Reach Goals ~Helps You Achieve Your Destiny ~Very High Energy Stone

~Connects You To Divine Guides ~Opens You To Other Realms

~Brings Deep Spiritual Awareness


Prehnite is associated with:

~Stone of Prophecy ~Provides Inner Peace ~Encourages Lucid Dreaming

~Gets Rid Of Narcissism ~Provides Unconditional Love ~Inspires Wisdom ~Increases Energy ~Quite Protective ~Enhances Visualization & Psychic Gifts ~Induces Deep Meditation

~Provides Positive Confidence ~Calms The Mind And Anxiety ~Increases Spiritual Connections ~Simulates Prophetic Abilities ~Heals The Healer ~Helps Empaths Recharge

~Sharpens Instincts ~Raises Vibrations ~Increases Joy & Happiness

Red Jasper:

Red Jasper is associated with:

~Incredibly Grounding ~Provides Protection ~Helps You Feel Secure

~Brings Serenity and Balance ~Helps You Receive Justice ~Stabilizes Moods

~Encourages Confidence ~Increased Energy ~Encourages Goal Completion

~Provides an Emotional Release ~Encourages Quick Thinking

~Releases Shame Tied With Sex ~Stimulates The Imagination ~Stone of Endurance

~Balances The Libido ~Known as The Supreme Nurturer


Rhodonite is associated with:

~Encourages Self Love ~Promotes Romantic Love ~Confidence

~Controls Temper and Calms Anger ~Balances Emotions

~Encourages Forgiveness and Empathy ~Heals a Broken Heart

~Allows us to Approach the Situation With Compassion ~Clears Away Emotional Trauma

~Very Emotionally Grounding ~Encourages Healthy Attachments and Relationships

~Alleviates Confusion ~Assists in Discovering Your Purpose ~Brings Light & Joyful Energy

~Dissolves Resentment & Bitterness ~Takes Away Feelings of Isolation and Loneliness

~Promotes Friendship ~Clears Muddy Emotions ~Know as the Singer's Stone

~Relaxes a Panic Attack

Rose Quartz:

Rose Quartz is associated with:

~Brings an Abundance of Love ~Increases Compassion and Empathy ~Heals Heartbreak

~Instills Trust and Fidelity ~Encourages Friendship

~Dissolves Past Trauma (Especially Related to Love) ~Increases Self-Worth

~Brings About Forgiveness and Understanding ~Helps You Find Your True Love

~Encourages Self-Love ~Restores Harmony ~Helps Alleviate Depression and Anxiety

~Promotes Unconditional Love ~Facilitates Romance

~Releases Anger, Resentment, and Jealousy ~Enhances Inner Peace and Serenity

~Brings a Gentle Energy Into The Room ~Helps You Overcome Doubts

~Dissolves Isolation ~Prevents Nightmares ~Enhances Creativity ~Brings in Feminine Energy

~Increases Fertility


Sapphire is associated with:

~Increases Fidelity ~Encourages Leadership ~Connects One To Angels

~Incredibly Calming ~Increases Mental Clarity ~Provides Psychic Protection

~Brings Prosperity & Abundance ~Increases Intuition ~Provides Joy & Happiness

~Balances Emotions ~Increases Focus ~Supports Mental Acuity

~Stone Of Nobility ~Believed To Heal All Parts Of The Body

~Decreases Psychosis ~Allows One To Detach From Toxic People, Places, & Things

~Increases Good Judgment ~Enhances Concentration ~Helps One Find Love

~Enhances Creativity


Serpentine is associated with

~Encourages Forgiveness ~Provides Compassion & Empathy

~Supports Personal Transformation ~Kundalini Activation

~Increases Abundance In All Areas ~Incredible Stone Of Manifestation

~Increases Sexual Energy ~Balances Hormones ~Inspires Love

~Clears All Chakras ~Known To Bring Prosperity

~Is A Deep Emotional Healer ~Encourages Intimacy

~Calms Nerves~Increases Psychic Abilities

Smoky Quartz:

Smoky Quartz is associated with:

~Clears Negative Energy ~Incredibly Grounding ~Stone Of Transformation

~Increases Relaxation ~Reduces Stress And Anxiety ~Relieves Exhaustion

~Alleviates Fears And Worries ~Encourages Emotionally Healthy Behaviors

~Gets Rid Of Depression ~Shields Aura In Protective Energy ~Encourages Growth

~Provides Pain Relief ~Encourages A Kundalini Shift

~Use To Cleanse Energy In The Room Before Energy Or Spell Work


Sodalite is associated with:

~Connects You to Your Angels ~Influences Logic and Rational Thinking ~Provides Willpower

~Enhances Motivation ~Encourages You to be True to Yourself ~Increases Intuition

~Provides Calm During Times of Stress or Chaos ~Boosts Communication

~Alleviates Anxiety & Depression ~Encourages Trust ~Balances Out Energy

~Increases Metabolism ~Helps to Cure Insomnia ~Enhances Creativity

~Boosts Intelligence ~Releases Anger and Frustration ~Stone of Self Expression

Tigers Eye:

Tigers Eye is associated with:

~Stone of Luck & Good Fortune ~Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance ~Very Grounding

~Provides Excellent Protection Power ~Increases Strength

~Improves Your Ability to Assert Yourself ~Strengthens Willpower ~Provides Balance ~Encourages Confidence ~Known to Help With Self-Discipline ~Helps With Goal Achievement ~Provides Vitality ~Endurance ~Increases Focus ~Lifts Mood ~Brings Joy & Happiness

~Helps You See Things Clearly ~Releases Pent Up Tension ~Helps With Mental Clarity


Turquoise is associated with:

~Offers A Path To Enlightenment ~Encourages Self Acceptance ~Considered A Master Healer

~Known To Be The Bridge Between Heaven & Earth ~A Good Luck Charm

~Very Protective ~Blocks Against Negative Outside Influences ~Helps One Realize Their Destiny

~Encourages You To Follow Your Path ~Brings Empathy And Compassion ~Increases Sensitivity

~Enhances Communication ~Boosts Psychic Powers ~Balances Emotions

~Opens The Heart For Love ~Provides Mental Clarity ~Inspires Wisdom


Unakite is associated with:

~Useful For Scrying ~Incredibly Grounding ~Facilitates Rebirth

~Increases Fertility ~Provides Stress Relief ~Deepens Psychic Powers

~Discourages Negative Behaviors ~Releases Harmful Emotions

~Increases Mindfulness ~Provides Compassion & Empathy

~Encourages Healthy Habits ~Decreases Addictive Behaviors

~Increases Peaceful Sleep ~Encourages Perseverance

~For Love & Friendship ~Encourages Gratitude ~Increases Patience

~Removes Toxic Emotional Attachments

Yellow Calcite:

Yellow Calcite is associated with:

~Cannot Hold Negativity, Transmutes Only Positive Energy ~Happiness and Pure Joy

~Acts as a Guide ~Encourages Responsibility ~Grounding

~Inspires Motivation & Determination ~Releases Bad Habits

~Reduces Anxiety ~Reduces Depression ~Mental Clarity ~Eliminates Procrastination

~Brings an Abundance of Energy ~Facilitates Good Luck ~Inspires Confidence ~Brings Hope

~Connects You to Divine Realms ~Amplifying Stone ~Great Stone to Eliminate Anger and Rage

~Fosters Personal Growth

Yellow Jasper:

Yellow Jasper is associated with:

~Provides Protection ~Encourages Discernment ~Increases Motivation

~ Amplifies Self-Confidence ~Deflects Jealousy ~Builds Enthusiasm

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