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August Astrology & Magick Events Calendar

Writer's picture: Audra EnglishAudra English

By Audra English

A space background with a list of several notable astrological and magick events happening in August 2024

We have a packed event calendar for August. Here is a list of noteworthy astrology and magick events for August.

August 1st — Lammas or Lughnasadh

Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, is the first of the three harvest festivals in the pagan calendar. It marks the beginning of the harvest season and honors the Celtic god Lugh, the god of light and craftsmanship.

August 2nd — Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

Because of this stressful aspect, some romantic relationships might sizzle out in the August heat. Put your relationships on the back burner and concentrate on other things today since you don't want to cause damage to something that could already be fragile.

August 4th —

Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo

Mercury will only stay retrograde in subdued Virgo for a week, but it might feel like an eternity since we can't help but find fault with everything we accomplish. Before you let perfectionism consume you, take a deep breath.

New moon in Leo

The brilliant new moon inspires us to seize the day and pursue our wildest ambitions. Do not be scared to test your limits; instead, be courageous. If you have faith in your vision, you can make it a reality.

Venus enters Virgo

As Venus moves into the modest sign of the Virgin, we can finally face reality and let go of the carefree summer. We need to take stock of our relationships and money during the next three weeks to figure out what we're taking into the fall and what we're leaving behind.

August 7th —

Sun in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini

With a positive attitude, you may draw good fortune into your life. Now is a wonderful moment to pursue your dreams with the assurance of easy success if you harness this lovely energy.

Mercury in Virgo conjunct Venus in Virgo

Today is a fantastic day for business since we are level-headed and realistic when making decisions. Put your energy into negotiating terms, drafting contracts, buying and selling stocks, and rallying others to your cause.

August 8th — Lion's Gate Portal Peak

Manifestation is at it's peak today. This powerful cosmic alignment occurs when the Sun in Leo aligns with the star Sirius, Orion's Belt, and the Earth, creating a potent gateway of energy that enhances spiritual growth, manifestation, and transformation.

August 9th — Juno enters Libra

As we seek harmony in all our relationships, whether romantic or professional, the asteroid of marriage is thrilled to be in Libra, the sign of love and romance.

August 13th-15th — Nemoralia

Nemoralia, also known as the Festival of Torches, is an ancient Roman festival dedicated to the goddess Diana, the goddess of the hunt, moon, and nature.

August 13th — Feast of Hecate

The Feast of Hecate is a day to honor the Greek goddess Hecate, the goddess of magick, witchcraft, the night, and crossroads.

August 14th — Mercury retrograde enters Leo

As Mercury enters the sign of the Lion, our lives are about to take an unexpected turn. We could lose our tempers and start conflicts more easily in the height of summer. Now is the time to select your battles wisely; bravery and foolishness can be unhappy companions right now.

August 15th — Mars in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces

Because it's easy to start arguments about nothing these days, tempers are running high. Things may get awkward if you don't double-check that you're on the proper track before you get started. Keep in mind that things might not be what they seem to you.

August 18th —

Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

Because interruptions can interfere with our life, it could be best if you ignore the drama unfolding around you by staying away from social media discussions and away from any high drama situations. Stay out of other people's problems, otherwise you're going to get sucked in and ultimately be the fall guy.

Sun in Leo conjunct Mercury in Leo

The confidence that comes from knowing you are the center of attention today might facilitate some imaginative creativity. Today is perfect for sharing something artistic, publishing on social media, or simply embracing life to the fullest.

Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini

You won't be able to concentrate or make a rational choice today, so don't intend on doing any planning. Relax and enjoy the ride; there's no need to worry about the little things.

August 19th —

Full moon in Aquarius

Today is a wonderful occasion to celebrate since it allows you to acknowledge and reward yourself for all of your hard work over the last several months. Wishes do come true, so join your friends, neighbors, and even complete strangers in celebrating today as you strengthen your community.

Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces

Experiencing feelings of self-doubt and anxiety about the future throughout might be something you have to deal with during this challenging phase. Being proactive might help you avoid turmoil when life feels out of control.

Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces

Because summer romances may start to fizzle out and make us lose our rose-colored glasses while becoming disillusioned with our relationships, they can also leave us feeling lonely and a bit confused as to what comes next. Give your attention to the things you have direct influence over.

Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

Today, we risk being isolated in our pursuit of freedom. You may come to regret abandoning those who helped you along the way to independence if you persist.

August 22th —

Sun enters Virgo

As we are nearing towards the end of summer, we're practically relieved that the limelight is fading away and that we can return to our regular lives. Assuming we maintain our composure, the energies during the following four weeks will be reasonable, structured, and moderate.

Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini

Today is not a good day for relationships since arguments may break even the strongest bonds. When tempers flare, people are quick to misinterpret situations and pick conflicts. Before you speak, it's a good idea to step away from the problem, breathe deeply, and wait for the waters to calm before trying to work things out.

August 23th — Mercury in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini

You may hone your mental reflexes in this area by practicing creative problem-solving and brainstorming. Get creative and don't be scared to look at things in a different perspective than usual.

August 24th — Vesta enters Virgo

For the next several weeks, we will focus on creating new and more positive routines so we can establish healthier habits to become the best versions of ourselves.

August 25th — Opalia

Opalia is an ancient Roman festival in honor of Ops, the goddess of fertility, earth, and abundance.

August 26th — Ceres goes direct in Capricorn

In the final weeks of summer, we will be gradually introducing a personal makeover after a lengthy retrograde. Make plans to reach your goals by contemplating on and applying what you've learned over the past several months.

August 27th — Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus

Thanks to this lucky component, we are able to really push ahead in our pursuit of love, wealth, and success in business today.

August 28th —

Mercury goes direct Leo

Life is returning to normal as we regain perspective following the tumultuous mercury retrograde. This retrograde may bring a sense of humility, but it is also an opportunity to gain the self-assurance you need to tackle any challenge that comes your way. Show courage and be bold!

Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces

We might feel we are emotionally all over the place today and unable to see the answers to our questions. Being judgmental of our loved ones because their flaws are heightened and highlighted today might cause some tension. Try not to over think or become nit-picky today.

August 29th —

Venus enters Libra

With Venus's entry into Libra, the sign of relationships (which is ruled by Venus and feeling very happy right about now), we bid farewell to summer and prepare to fall head over heels for love. As we fantasize about our lives over the following four weeks, our relationships soften and become more balanced. These next 4 weeks are the perfect time to do love intentions, work, and spells.

Venus in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius

Since you'll sense instant connections to complete strangers, this powerful component will bring you karmic relationships. People you were close to in a romantic nature in a past life might pop up out of the blue. Keep your wits about you; this is perfect for romantics who can't help but fall in love.

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